Pet Grub: raw meat diet, holistic health and nutrition for dogs and catsPet Grub

Healthy Food — Healthy Pets :: helping pets since 1994

Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies for Dogs and Cats

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Natural Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats

  • Clear Sinus ComboPack

    Homeopathic medicine Sinus Soothe for sinus congestion and pain and herbal supplement InstaClear Sinus Relief for clear, healthy sinuses.

  • FibroFree Complex

    Homeopathic remedy relieves localized muscle pain, soreness, fatigue, and nervous system hypersensitivity.

  • Gout-Gone

    Relieves gout symptoms Including swelling, inflammation and burning pain in small joints..

  • InflammaGo

    Homeopathic remedy relieves joint and muscle pain, inflammation and stiffness associated with arthritis.

  • Joint & Muscle Health ComboPack

    Homeopathic medicine InflammaGo for minor aches and pain in muscles and joints and Herbal supplement JointEase Plus for healthy, mobile joints and muscles.

  • Kidney Stone Clear

    Homeopathic remedy to help dissolve and clear kidney stones, plus relieve pain, nausea and vomiting..

  • MJA Canine Care

    Homeopathic medicine for minor muscle and joint soreness and pain in dogs.

  • Oral-Assist

    Homeopathic remedy relieves pain associated with tooth and gum abscesses, plus promotes oral health.

  • RealHeal

    Homeopathic remedy to relieves joint pain due to arthritis and rheumatism..

  • SciatiGon

    Herbal remedy relieves symptoms of sciatica and neuralgia, including pain, pressure and nerve inflammation..

  • Sinus Soothe

    Homeopathic remedy to relieve symptoms of sinusitis, including sinus congestion, inflammation and pain, plus opens nasal passages.

  • TMJ Ease

    Homeopathic remedy to relieve TMJ jaw pain, inflammation & tension..

  • TMJ Relief ComboPack

    Homeopathic medicine for jaw pain and tension and Herbal supplement for a calmed mood.

Sick Pet Project

Sick Pet ProjectMeet Jumbo, the participant in The Sick Pet Project.

Bonus: Demodectic Mange — Before and After — a must view and the before and after pictures are truly amazing... images courtesy of of Gracie (:

Follow the story of my most recent rescue and get other news by following me on Facebook.

Katy's Official Gospel

Did you know that... Dr. Pottenger found that during his 10 year cat study with over 900 cats that the cats fed raw meat over their life span showed resistance to infections, to fleas, and to various other parasites, and showed no signs of allergies. They are friendly and predictable in their behavior patterns. When thrown or dropped as much as 6 feet to test co-ordination, they always landed on their feet and came back for more play. Now you know!

source: Pottenger’s Cats: A Study In Nutrition by Francis M. Pottenger, M.D.

Pictures of My Pets

You Tube Videos

I've created a series of YouTube videos that you can watch or listen to whenever you want.

My videos are meant to take you on a journey of thoughts to help maximize the clarity of your own thoughts and approach to how you care for and love your pets.

Jesse — creator of Pet Grub, Juicing Book and Time Genie. Also visit the The Hormonal Nightmare to learn about balancing your hormones.